Friday, August 6, 2010


Max is so creative it is a joy to watch his mind at work. I will admit that watching his mind at work can be confusing at times - but most times it is nothing but a pleasure for this mom.

In the grocery store this week he went to get me a cart but I told him I was using a basket instead. He was INSISTENT that we go back to the truck before we went in and so we did. He grabbed his bungee cord (and by "his" I mean "mine") and back into the store we went to do our shopping. He was ready.
Getting organised:
Starting out, but needing to stop and check out why the buckets are under this display and where the drip is coming from. An investigative report. It was a bit difficult to move from this display, but we finally made it.

Fly swatters: CHECK
Only they weren't on the list but we "NEED THEM MA!"

Shopping is done but we can't go to the checkout without stopping to look at all the important things. I also took this picture as evidence for my spouse that in fact I do NOT purchase everything my son wants......
We made it out of the store without a new flashlight!

1 comment:

Teena in Toronto said...

Smart kid! Can I take him shopping next time I go?