Monday, October 18, 2010


I travelled again this weekend for class. I am so tired of driving, but grateful I have a wonderful vehicle to travel in and grateful for the beauty I get to enjoy as I drive. I have listened to quite a few audio books which is nice, and after this weekend my class is HALF OVER! Only three more times to make the trip and I am forever done with classes towards my masters degree. Hip Hip and Hooray! ( I actually have four more scheduled classed but I am hoping that I can write my final here with a proctor and save myself a December trip)

As I started into the mountains it was overcast. I had seen some snow in the tip tops of the tall mountains on the way into B.C. but I was hoping against hope that there would be no snow further down and on the roads for another few weeks of driving.

It was not meant to be. The higher I climbed the closer and closer the snow came until I was right in it. I even passed a snow plow! It was a beautiful site and even though I wanted to get home quickly and told myself I was NOT stopping to take pictures, I did pull over and take a few - but I didn't get out of the vehicle because I was still wearing my Birkenstocks and no socks!

(My spouse and my mother will verify that I DID pack socks and I even packed my boots and my winter coat... I am hoping to get one more trip before having to wear either of them though..... I wonder my my chances of that are?)


Dan Schwent said...

You weren't kidding about the snow.

Teena in Toronto said...

I'm sooooo not ready for snow!