Thursday, August 6, 2009

Book: Paths of Glory

I have been taking a hiatus from working on my thesis (which I KNOW I should NOT be doing) but I wanted desperately to just read some books that I WANTED to read as opposed to NEEDED to read.
My Spouse and I went to the library last week when we were in town and took out a pile of books each. I have been making my way through my pile, and picked up Jeffrey Archer's book Paths of Glory. Now I have pretty strong feelings about historical fiction (don't like it) and books on mountaineering (don't like them) and on climbing Everest... in fact it is Everest that I think I very first blogged about ever in May 2006. When I picked up the book I did so because I like Jeffrey Archer and I thought I would try it out, but I didn't even read the book cover to find out what the book was about. When we got home and I picked it up and started to read I thought honestly that I was about to be supremely disappointed because the book is a historical fiction book about climbing Mount Everest.
Boy was I ever surprised. I loved the book from the moment I picked it up. I have barely been able to put it down. I read late into the night when I started it and even after turning out the light and rolling over I decided to read some more! Last night I didn't get to read any because it was my night with the boys and C-Note was being a stinker (and I like to hold him anyway!)
I could not resist bringing the book with me to work today and sneaking in some reading.
Let me just say it is VERY difficult for me to read at work. Even things that pertain to work are difficult for me to get into because of constant interruptions. IN spite of this I made it to the end of the book and I'll be honest, the last sentence of the book gave me goosebumps.
Perhaps I am too much of a romantic, but I LOVED this book. It was so fantastic I think I might get one for my "own" library.
I liked it so much I am hesitant to recommend it to anyone for fear they don't find it as captivating as I did. I am still shocked that I started to read it but so very glad that I did.
My only problem now is what to follow it up with?

1 comment:

Teena in Toronto said...

I love love love the library! I'll check this out!