Thursday, March 20, 2008

Thursday thirteen: things I learned as a carny

Thirteen Things I learned as a carny

1. There's lots of drugs at Carnivals.
2. There's lots of unprotected sex at carnivals, in wierd places.
3. Carnival food will make you sick after eating it every day for an extended period of time.
4. You can make lots of money in a short amount of time - if you work the right games.
5. You can spend a lot of time and make no money at all if you are not willing to "play the games".
6. Not everyone who works at a carnival is dirty, but most of them are!
7. People at carnivals spend a LOT of money for crappy prizes.
8. Blowing up balloons without a machine hurts the lips, lungs and fingers.
9. There are ways to cheat every system, even the system of buying tickets to play games.
10. Men have huge egos, and when it comes to smashing beer bottles with
baseballs, and you can REALLY take advantage of that and make a lot of money.
11. I would never ride a carnival ride.
12. Carnival music may sound fun and cheery when you visit for an hour or two, but when you have to work next to a ride all day that is pumping out cheesy music on a two minute loop you want to kill yourself at the end of the day.
13. Wear good shoes.

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1 comment:

Ronnie said...

#11 is fascinating. Tell us why!

(Found you from