Monday, April 20, 2015

March Snapshot

Current mood: irritated
Current movie: I watched 'This is 40" even though I have already seen it.
Current TV Show: Greys Anatomy - loving it.
Current book: The Amulet of Samarkand
Current song: AI am right this second listening to Toad the Wet Sprocket
Current album: Dulcinea
Current food: I haven't eaten well the last three days or so, which distresses me somewhat
Current drink: coffee
Current color: Red
Current Beauty Product: None. I don't use any.
Current celebrity crush:I have been watching season 2 of OITNB and I am REALLY missing Alex Vause. (Laura Prepon)
Current Project: Masters degree project. What a shocker. (NOT)
Current need: more time in the day to get everything done on my lists
Current guilty pleasure(s): reading the book on the list of NPR's top 100 teen novels.
Current annoyance: messed up wifi connection at my house and corresponding cell phone bill
Current excitement: SUNNY - THANK HEAVEN
Current triumph:
Current anticipation: Getting the truck fixed
Photo I took this month:

Photo of me from this month:

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Good news in case you don't know--the divine Ms. Prepon is in every episode of the upcoming season 3. :)