Saturday, December 12, 2009

12 of 12

12 of 12 is hosted each month by Chad Darnell. You can check out his cool site and others who participate by linking HERE.

Here is my contribution for this month:

#1. When we woke up this morning the temperature was a BALMY -38 degrees C. That translates into a day spent indoors and finding ways of amusing ourselves. These days can be LONG ones.

#2. What better to do than combine two of our favorite things - moms and extension cords! Mom is such a good sport!

#3. Time to make supper. We busted out the recipe book and started to make Chili Con Carne. Unfortunately half way through we realized we didn't have all the ingredients. Oh well. What little boys don't know won't hurt them, so we served it "as is" and pretended all was well!

#4. From extension cords to mixing bowls. This is a day full of excitement! Little boys "helped" cooking supper.

#5. Finger lickin good!

#6. And some even managed to get inside of him!

#7. Time for some television viewing. Only one of our boys is interested in tv - can you guess which one?
#8. Sitting in one spot got boring so we "rocked" around the living room and laughed.

#9. Not everyone in the house was enthusiastic about the day indoors. Poor Zuva was bored out of her mind and tried to sleep the day away.

#10. The Christmas tree was too tempting to pass up.
#11. Will this day EVER end?

#12. Everyone is in bed. The puppy won't go to the bathroom without an escort - she is worried she will freeze to the ground and we wont notice she is gone. Time for a last check to make sure the vehicle is plugged and and it's off to bed!


Teena in Toronto said...

Brrrr ... that's cold!

The boys are so cute :)

Dogeared said...

Oh my, that IS cold! Yikes!